A body language specialist claims that the US election has “taken its toll” on a “tired” and “defeated” Donald Trump, even before the results are in.
The former US president arrived nearly two hours late for his final rally in Michigan’s Grand Rapids Friday night, when he attempted to persuade Americans who had not yet voted to support him in the closely contested race.
Taking a shot at his Democratic opponent Kamala Harris, Trump compared the size of his crowd to hers, saying: “She had a rally today. She couldn’t have had more than a hundred people there. I had all four stadiums full.”
But images from his speech last night, which he didn’t wrap up until almost 2am, showed a half empty stadium – while Harris delivered her speech Philadelphia to a large crowd with performances from Lady Gaga and Katy Perry. Body language and behavioural expert Darren Stanton says there are key signs which show Donald Trump is “a very tired man” who has become “dejected and apathetic”as his campaign enters its final hours.
According to Stanton, the former president is showing a “shift in emotion which has leaked through his body language”, and has developed a “croaky” and “hoarse”, with a voice tone that’s a “lot lower in volume” than usual, showing the campaign “has really taken it out of him”.
The expert went on to claim it is clear by Trump’s body language that he’s “defeated”. Speaking on behalf of online casino Slingo, he said: “He seemed slightly better yesterday, but he is generally knackered, tired out. He’s defeated in the context of his body language. There’s been a shift in his emotion which has leaked out through his body language, we’re seeing a very different Donald Trump, he’s become a bit dejected and apathetic.”
Stanton also noted that Trump’s voice is much lower in loudness and is no longer as impassioned as it once was.
“I think this campaign has really taken it out of him. He doesn’t have the bravado, animation or passion here, and I think he’s relieved the campaign is coming to an end now”, he said. “He is a tired man, and it’s really taken it out of him, he seems a bit defeated.”
The 78-year-old appears to be in need of a good rest, having also toned down his finger jabbing movements. Stanton explained: “Non-verbally, he’s not moving around, his shoulders are down. There’s no steeple gesture, which suggests he’s the most authoritative, we’ve seen a decrease here. He is very tired, and regardless of what happens, he needs a good rest.
“Usually we see him finger jabbing, very vocal and very loud, he’s just got banter and again, he’s usually very animated with his arms and his whole body, often changing his voice tonality. Here, he’s just flat. His voice tone was monotone, no distinction in his voice tone. Trump’s head was down, voice was croaky.
“He’s a man that’s tired, it’s obviously all taken its toll.”